DNR Report 26: 1976, Sulphides in the Birchdale-Indus Area, Koochiching County, MN

Introduction extracted from page 1 of the report:

INTRODUCTION The Birchdale-Indus area has been examined for economic mineral deposits for many years. This area was first examined by prospectors looking at surface outcroppings and then by mineral and mining companies using more sophisticated equipment and techniques. Initial drilling was for iron ore, and four drill holes were drilled into magnetic anomalies. The first exploration by major companies for base metal sulfide deposits began in 1966. Exploration activity has been continuing in the area although no economic deposits have been announced to date. All of the significant sulfide discoveries in the area will be discussed in more detail below...


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Report 26: Sulphides in the Birchdale-Indus Area, Koochiching County, MN; a discussion of the geophysics, geology, and sulfide mineralization in T158N-160N, R26W-28W. 
(25 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 762 KB) 
Authors: W.H. Listerud

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