About this project

Map of Sample Locations (click for detail)
Report 385: Geochemical Soil Survey in an Archean Granite-Greenstone Terrane, International Falls Area, Koochiching County, Minnesota (8.5 x 11, 125 pages, 31 MB)Data
A zip file that includes all of the following files:project385_data020111.zip
- PDF file of ALS Chemex laboratory report (project385_als_chemex_labreport.pdf, 98 kb)
- CSV file with analytical results, provided by ALS Chemex (WN11000670.csv file, 35 kb)
- A DNR-prepared spreadsheet that links results with the UTM coordinates of each sample location in a gis-compatible format (Feb2011_IntlFalls_A1data.xls, 81 kb)
- A GIS shapefile and metadata of each sample location with results (p385_soil.shp)
- Sample location map, depicting the locations of both these new samples, and the sample locations in a 1985 DNR Geochemical Survey Project 242
- Download map displaying gold concentrations in both new 2010 survey and the 1985 survey
Gold Mineralization Potential in a Wabigoon Subprovince Granite-Greenstone Terrane, International Falls Area, MinnesotaFor more information:
Project Leader - Don Elsenheimer, Ph.D500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4045
tel. 651-259-5433
fax 651-296-5939
[email protected]