Lake water level report
Bear Head - 69025400
St. Louis County
Water Level Data
Period of record: 05/30/2008 to 05/24/2024
# of readings: 1428
Highest recorded: 1506.08 ft (05/13/2014)
Lowest recorded: 1503.62 ft (09/06/2021)
Recorded range: 2.46 ft
Last reading: 1505.91 ft (05/24/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: N/A
Datum: (ft)
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Elevation: 1509.02 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 05/30/2008 | Location: T61R14S2 |
Description: Found 2021. 3/8" X 8" spike, 1.0' above ground in landward side of 1.6' dia. red pine tree on top of a low bank, 20' East of centerline of boat ramp, at public access, Bear Head Lake State Park, 9301 Bear Head State Park Rd, Ely, on East side of North Bay/northwestern arm of lake. Tied in 2008. Tree is now a stump and appears to be heaved up - found new elevation on spike on 7/12/21 to be 1509.02-previous elevation=1508.36 KCW |
Elevation: 1511.94 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 07/12/2021 | Location: T61R14S2 |
Description: Found 2024. 60d spike in west side of 0.7' red pine 0.9' above ground, 35' NW from top of concrete boat ramp, 5' east of gravel, at public access, Bear Head Lake State Park, 9301 Bear Head State Park Rd, Ely. |
Elevation: 1498.39 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 08/14/1991 | Location: T61R14S2 |
Description: Found 2012 and chopped out. 3/8" x 8" spike at 45 degree angle in the WNW root of a 0.9' (2012 - larger) Red Pine, 50' South of water's edge, and 19' East of centerline of gravel access ramp, at public access, Bear Head Lake State Park, 9301 Bear Head State Park Rd, Ely, on East side of North Bay/northwestern arm of lake. |