Lake water level report
Fish - 27011800
Hennepin County
Water Level Data
Period of record: 08/11/1938 to 11/26/2024
# of readings: 1302
Highest recorded: 893.67 ft (09/24/2016)
Lowest recorded: 889.75 ft (10/25/1999)
Recorded range: 3.92 ft
Last reading: 891.28 ft (11/26/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 891.8 ft
Datum: NGVD 29 (ft)
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Elevation: 893.63 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/27/1993 | Location: T119R22S21 |
Description: Found 2024. Chiseled "+" on top of Rt-most outlet culvert looking downstream to road (= Lt-most outlet culvert looking upstream facing lake), on North end of lake off Weaver Lake Rd (gage site), across from entrance to 14500 Weaver Lake Road, Maple Grove. [Left-most (W) outlet culvert looking downstream (no chiseled X) = 0.10 higher on 4-24-12.] [Note: Elevation = 893.75 NAVD 88, as such add 0.12' to NGVD 1929 elevations to equate to NAVD 88 datum as per GPS survey 3/2/16.] |