Fish consumption advisory

Fish consumption guidelines help people make choices about which fish to eat and how often. Following the guidelines enables people to reduce their exposure to contaminants while still enjoying the many benefits from fish.

When eating fish from this lake, follow the MDH Statewide Safe-Eating Guidelines except for species listed below. Contaminant levels are higher in these species.

People Who Are or May Become Pregnant, and People Who Are Breastfeeding or Plan to Breastfeed, and Children Under Age 15

County, DOWID
SpeciesMeal AdviceContaminants
1 meal/monthdo not eat
St. Louis Co., 69061700
Crappieall sizes Mercury
Northern Pike 23" or longerMercury
Yellow Perchall sizes Mercury

Men, Boys Age 15 and Over, and People Not Planning to be Pregnant

County, DOWID
SpeciesMeal AdviceContaminants
2 meals/week1 meal/week1 meal/monthdo not eat
St. Louis Co., 69061700
Cisco all sizes  Mercury
Crappieall sizes   Mercury
Northern Pike  all sizes Mercury
Sauger  all sizes Mercury
Walleye  all sizes Mercury
Yellow Perch all sizes  Mercury

DOWID - MN DNR, Division of Ecological and Water Resources lake ID number.

Contaminants listed were measured at levels that trigger advice to limit consumption.

Listing of consumption guidelines do not imply the fish are legal to keep, MN DNR fishing regulations should be consulted.

PCBs - Polychlorinated biphenyls
PFOS - Perfluorooctane sulfanate

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