The DNR is proposing to classify
yellow floating heart (
Nymphoides peltata) as a Prohibited Invasive Species under DNR rules (
Minnesota Rules, 6216.0250). The
Minnesota invasive species laws webpage lists currently classified species. Prohibited Invasive Species are illegal to possess, import, purchase, sell, propagate, transport or introduce without a permit from the DNR (
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 84D).See the
Detailed information on Prohibited Invasive Species Rulemaking webpage for an overview of all the species being proposed, links to detailed classification summary documents and direct links to statutory information including definitions, prohibited activities and possible penalties. When new rules go in to effect, the DNR’s priority is education, to help people understand the new rules to prevent the introduction and spread of the species.
Q: Why is this needed? What good will it do?
A: The Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force has released their list of the
Great Lakes Least Wanted Aquatic Invasive Species. Yellow floating heart is on that list, but is not regulated in Minnesota. Regulating yellow floating heart as a prohibited invasive species can help prevent introductions and impacts to and the Great Lakes region as a whole. The
DNR classification summary indicates that this is an appropriate species to regulate under the DNR’s invasive species rules.
Water gardeners
Q: I have yellow floating heart in my water garden, how would this rule affect me?
A: If the rule change goes into effect, then yellow floating heart plants should be disposed of in the trash in a sealed plastic bag.
Nurseries, plant suppliers
Q: Can I sell yellow floating heart if this rule change goes into effect?
A: It would no longer be legal to sell to yellow floating heart.
Q: Will this change my actions when moving boats or other water-related equipment?
A: No. The
Clean, Drain, Dispose laws and actions already in place will prevent the spread of these species as well. No additional actions are needed.
Researchers and Educators
Q: Can I possess yellow floating heart for research or educational purposes if this rule change goes into effect?
A: If you are collecting, transporting or keeping samples of yellow floating heart, you would need to apply for a
permit to possess prohibited invasive species from the DNR. The DNR will assess the risks of your proposed project and may issue a permit to manage those risks. The DNR may also suggest alternatives for teaching people how to identify yellow floating heart.