Herbicides to control buckthorn

Trade NameChemical NameConcentrationUse
Ortho Brush-B-Gon

Triclopyr amine

Ready to use - do not dilute

Cut stump

Ferti-Lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer

Triclopyr amine

Ready to use - do not dilute

Cut stump

Garlon 3A, Vastlan

Triclopyr amine

Mix one part Garlon 3A with 3-parts water
(this achieves a 25% solution), for Vastlan consult label

Cut stump

Garlon 4 Ultra, Element 4

Triclopyr ester

  • Cut stump/basal bark: Mix 1-part Garlon 4 with 3-parts bark oil/diluent (this achieves a 25% solution)

  • Foliar spray: Lower concentrations (5% active ingredient) work for foliar spray of seedlings.

Cut stump or foliar spray

Pathfinder II

Triclopyr ester

Ready to use - do not dilute

Cut stump or basal bark

Rodeo, Accord, Etc.


  • Cut stump: Look for at least 25% active ingredient glyphosate for cut-stump treatments. 

  • Foliar spray: Lower concentrations (2% active ingredient) work for foliar spray of seedlings. 

Cut stump or foliar spray

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