Herbicides: use them with caution

Active IngredientBrand NamesEffective AgainstSoil Residual Activity
GlyphosateTouchdown, RodeoAnnual and perennial grasses, herbaceous plants and woody plants (non-selective) Same as above for aquatic areasno
2,4-DWeed-b-gone, many othersHerbaceous and woody plantsno
ClopyralidTransline, Stinger, CurtailHerbaceous plants, such as spotted knapweed, Canada thistle, wild parsnip, spot spray only, it affects native plants of the sunflower and pea families as wellyes, 30-40 days
MetsulfuronEscortHerbaceous plants, such as spotted knapweed, Grecian foxglove, garlic mustard, wild parsnip and some woody to 3 years plants, spot spray only, it affects native plants of the sunflower, parsley and pea families as wellyes, few weeks to 3 years
TriclopyrGarlon 3A and 4, Pathfinder II (Garlon)Woody plants as foliar, basal bark and cut-stump treatment, herbaceous plants, spot spray only Still works in freezing temperaturesyes, 30-45 days
ImazapicPlateauUse in fall when native plants are dormant for leafy spurge control, spot spraying before killing frost when milky sap still emits from broken stem.yes, 120 days half-life
To enhance foliar absorption of herbicides add a surfactant (silken) and apply when plants are actively growing.

Always read and follow the label when using herbicides. Only certified/licensed applicators may use Restricted Use Herbicides.

Always use an integrated approach that results in actions that fit the specific site and considers long term consequences. The goal is to apply precision treatment that takes out targeted vegetation and does not harm desirable trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and grasses. The mention of trade names does not constitute endorsement.

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