Generally, you may not transport aquatic plants or prohibited invasive species in Minnesota without a permit.You may use one of the following general permits if you own a boat or equipment that requires transport to a location away from the water access for cleaning, repair, or storage. You may also use one of the following general permits if you are a shoreland owner transporting aquatic plants to a disposal location.These permits:
- are for non-commercial use only (commercial users may need a Lake Service Provider permit);
- authorize one-way transport of a boat, equipment or aquatic plants; and
- are only valid one day.
To use these permits
- Download and print the appropriate permit.
- Read and understand the permit eligibility and conditions.
- Fill out all information, sign and date the permit.
- Carry the signed permit with you during transportation of the boat, equipment or plants.
General Permits
- Transport Aquatic Plants and Prohibited Invasive Species from Riparian Property to a Disposal Location (General Permit 2015-002)
- Transport Watercraft with Prohibited Invasive Species for Cleaning or Storage (General Permit 2015-003)
- Transport Boat Lifts, Docks or Other Water-Related Equipment with Prohibited Invasive Species Attached for Repair, Storage or Cleaning (General Permit 2015-004)
- Transport construction Equipment with Prohibited Invasive Species Attached for Cleaning, Repair or Storage (General Permit 2015-005)
- Businesses to Transport Aquatic Plants and Prohibited Invasive Species to a Disposal Location (General Permit 2015-006)