2015 PolyMet Mining Inc./NorthMet Project

Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS)

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Note: this PDF is large (263 MB, 3,576 pages) and could take time to download.

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The following documents are in  format.

Table of contents


The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and its federal agency Co-leads have issued a short list of corrections (i.e., errata) for the Final EIS. The corrections are routine and minor in nature. They relate to references in the Final EIS and do not alter the analysis presented in the Final EIS in any way. One reference was incorrectly cited in the Final EIS and two references documents were inadvertently left off the master reference list and were not included in the reference documents we distributed. The errata corrects the reference, updates the master reference list and includes the two reference documents. The citations and reference materials are part of how the Co-lead Agencies have substantiated their Final EIS analysis. Thus we are providing the public with these short list of corrected information about the documents on which that analysis is based.

Fact Sheets

The following fact sheets (downloadable PDFs) were created to assist in the review of the Final EIS. The documents are in  format.

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