Minnesota's 1973 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act created a statewide system for preserving and protecting Minnesota rivers with outstanding natural, scenic, scientific, historic, cultural, and recreational values.Included in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act was funding for the acquisition of scenic easements, which permanently protect private lands adjacent to the six state-designated Wild and Scenic Rivers by limiting land alteration, vegetation removal, building, dumping, and placement of structures. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, 136 permanent Wild and Scenic River scenic easements were acquired, however, funding for this program ended in 1989. Though funding does not exist for new easement acquisitions, existing WSR easements are monitored for compliance with easement terms regularly.For more information on the program, or to determine if a parcel has a scenic easement, please provide the property address and county parcel number to the contact below.Whitney DeLong, WSR Scenic Easement Program Manager
[email protected]
(651) 259-5704
[email protected]
(651) 259-5704