Program Purpose: To provide a financial incentive to maintain wetlands in their natural state and to promote an awareness of wetland values.Eligible Projects: Wetlands inventoried as Public Waters Wetlands as defined in M.S. 103G; lands mostly under water that produce little if any income and have no use except for wildlife or water conservation purposes; land in a wetland preservation area.Who May Apply: Private landowners.Priorities: Qualifying areas are eligible for program enrollment.Level of Assistance: Qualifying areas are exempt from property taxes. The exemption should remain in effect as long as the wetland meets the requirements set forth in the statutes.General Information: The Wetlands Tax Exemption Program was created in 1979 as an effort to protect the State's valuable wetland resource. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions about Wetland Taxation.How to Apply: Contact your county assessor's office to determine whether or not your land qualifies.Related DNR Programs: None.Other Related Programs: None.

Wetland Finder Application
The DNR’s NWI Wetland Finder is a useful reference tool for better understanding the state’s wetlands. Combining National Wetland Inventory (NWI) and Public Water Inventory (PWI) data, this web application brings together the best available remote sensing data, including high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR-based elevation models. The boundaries of public waters shown in this application are approximate.
The DNR’s NWI Wetland Finder is a useful reference tool for better understanding the state’s wetlands. Combining National Wetland Inventory (NWI) and Public Water Inventory (PWI) data, this web application brings together the best available remote sensing data, including high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR-based elevation models. The boundaries of public waters shown in this application are approximate.