Flood hazard mitigation grant assistance

The Minnesota State Legislature established this program in 1987 through Minnesota Statutes, Section 103F.161, which provides technical and financial assistance to local governmental units for flood hazard mitigation projects. Funds used for these grants come from state bonding appropriations through legislative action. The main program page can be found here.

Eligible Projects: Grants are available for publicly-owned capital improvements, including acquisition and removal of flood-prone or flood-damaged structures, and the engineering and construction of public works, including levees, floodwalls, pumping stations, flood bypass channels, flood storage structures, water level control structures and other related activities. Projects of a non-capital nature – such as studies – are not typically eligible for funding, but are occasionally made possible with general fund dollars, when appropriated.

Who may apply: Local units of government – including cities, counties, townships, watershed districts, watershed management organizations, and lake improvement districts. Grants are not available to individuals or businesses.

Priorities: Priorities for funding are detailed in the FHM Grant Prioritization document. A list of project applications received is posted on the DNR’s web page here.

Level of assistance: Typically, grants will cover a maximum of 50% of total eligible project costs. Recent appropriations accommodate for a reduced local share for municipalities, based on Median Household Income. Costs must be incurred and paid before reimbursement can be made.

How to apply: An application form can be found on the program website linked above. The application window is always open. Any questions can be directed to:

Matthew Bauman, Flood Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Manager
Phone: 651-259-5691
Email: [email protected]

Related DNR programs:

Other related programs:
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants

Administered through Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management

BWSR Erosion Control and Water Management Cost Share Program

BWSR Water Quality and Storage Pilot Program

U.S. Army Corps Section 14, Emergency Bank Protection

U.S. Army Corps Section 205, Flood Risk Management

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