Parks and Trails Legacy Grant Program

Provides funding for parks and trails of regional significance outside of the seven county metropolitan area. Applications for this program are submitted directly to the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC). The GMRPTC submits funding recommendations to the legislature. The legislature then appropriates funding to the Department of Natural Resources to award and administer the grants. Please visit the GMRPTC web page for application and contact information.

The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission was established in 2013 to undertake system planning and provide recommendations to the legislature for grants funded by the parks and trails fund to counties and cities outside the seven-county metropolitan area for parks and trails of regional significance. Minnesota Statutes, 85.536

DNR Parks and Trails Legacy grant contact

Local units of government that have received Parks and Trails Legacy grants recommended by the GMRPTC and have a need for assistance with their grant should contact their DNR grant coordinator.

For parks: Jennifer Bubke, grants specialist: [email protected], 651-259-5638

For trails: Sarah Wennerberg, senior grants specialist: [email protected], 651-259-5579

For the grantee

DNR Park and Trail Legacy grant program manual

DNR additional information for contract

Reimbursement manual

Parks and Trails Legacy grant program funding and project history 

The Department of Natural Resources provided grants for parks and trails of regional significance outside of the metropolitan area through the Parks and Trails Legacy Grant Program from FY2010 – FY2015. Funded Legacy Grants

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