Program purpose:
- The 2021 Minnesota Legislature provided $485,000 to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) to fund the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Safety Enforcement Grant Program during the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years, 07/01/2021-06/30/2022 and 07/01/2022-06/30/2023 respectively.
- Funding is used to assist counties within OHV enforcement activities, including training local staff, holding ATV safety classes, and field enforcement activity.
- On August 18, 2021, MNDNR will mail all Minnesota County Sheriff Offices a letter of invitation, with the application and estimated grant allocation. At the time of application, a preliminary allocation of funds are calculated. Minnesota Counties apply for funding, for the two-year biennium, with a single, grant application.
Who may apply:
All Minnesota County Sheriff Offices.
- Application deadline: September 13, 2021
- Thereafter, final allocations are made and distributed, for each fiscal year.
- Grant contracts are written for the two-year biennium, encumbered, and signed.
- Reimbursement of grant contract are made in two separate fiscal years. Grantees submit a ‘Payment Request Form’ with required, additional documentation. Expenses must fall within the respective time-frame to be eligible.
- 07/01/2021-06/30/2022, and
- 07/01/2022-06/30/2023.
- Counties have up to ONE YEAR after the grant year to submit payment/reimbursement.
- Grant recipients are required to track and provide proof of expenditure for all expenses incurred.
- With the Payment Request Form, the Completion Report, and a copy of the participant county's Integrated Payment System report, along with invoices for purchases with a total cost over $5,000, and an example officer log are required for payment.
Grant Program forms:
How are the funds allocated?
A preliminary allocation of funds are calculated, based on 87 Minnesota counties. Thereafter, based on each county that applies for the grant, final calculations are made and allocations are distributed based on a formula.
What is the formula?
The formula is based upon the following:
- Public acres within the county (federal, state and county, combined)
- Public waters & wetlands within a county (since they are frozen or otherwise accessible by OHVs much of the year)
- Number of OHVs registered within a county
- Number of OHVs primarily used within a county, and
- County participation funding divided equally among participants.
When is the deadline?
Where does the application get sent and/or if we have any questions?