Program purpose
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Invasive Species Program offers Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Grants
to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS), especially zebra mussels and spiny waterfleas, into Minnesota waters. These grants offer an opportunity for local entities, such as lake associations, COLAs (Coalitions of Lake Associations), tribal organizations, watershed districts, and counties to partner with the DNR and receive state funding for public awareness initiatives.Grants are provided to help local entities personalize and distribute AIS prevention information such as newspaper ads, radio spots, brochures, flyers, and other educational material produced by the DNR to targeted audiences in their area. These products are designed to dove-tail with other ongoing AIS prevention efforts, for example the
Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! campaign, implemented by the DNR, Minnesota Sea Grant, Wildlife Forever, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Outreach materials
The DNR has developed a variety of outreach materials that organizations can print and distribute to remind local audiences and visitors how to protect your lakes and rivers from AIS.
- Your Regional Invasive Species Specialists for assistance with your grant and permit applications, and technical advice on your proposed control project.
- Angelique Dahlberg, Research and Grants Coordinator, 651-259-5164, can answer questions about the grant process.