Wolfe Lake

Location: St. Louis Park, Wolfe Park, Monterey Drive and 36th Street West

Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Yellow Perch

Wolfe Lake.
Depth: 25 feet

Size: 3.3 acres

Recent fish stocking

Wheelchair access: Excellent

MTC bus: Routes 12, 17, 114, 604 and 615

Park entrance fee: No

Restrooms: Yes

Parking: Excellent

Picnic: Yes

Grills: No

Playground: Yes

Other activities: Pavilions, picnic shelter, picnic tables, shore fishing blocks, walking path

location map for Wolfe
Agency: City of St. Louis Park, Parks and Recreation Department

(952) 924-2540

Fishing pier: Yes, and four shore fishing stations

Comments: Wolfe Lake is a beautiful example of how a shoreline restoration project can thrive in the middle of the Twin Cities. This restoration has enhanced wildlife habitat, decreased erosion and provided numerous learning opportunities to the residents of St. Louis Park.  Many game species make this a favorite family fishing destination.

2017 Lake Survey Results:

Location and DateSpeciesAbundanceAverage Length (in)Maximum Length (in)
WolfeBlack Bullheadlow11.512.8
(Hennepin)Black Crappiemedium6.98.8
 Hybrid Sunfishlow4.97.5
 Largemouth Basshigh9.113.7
 Northern Pikemedium29.533.5
 White Crappielow11.911.9
 White Suckerlow20.221.0
 Yellow Perchlow6.36.7

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