Schwarz Lake

Location: Rosemount, Schwarz Pond Park, Robert Trail South and Connemara Trail (located behind the Community Center)

Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie,, Bullhead

Depth: 4 feet

Size: 8.4 acres

Wheelchair access: Poor (long distance)

MTC bus: None nearby

Park entrance fee: No

Restrooms: No

Parking: Good, but distant

Picnic: Yes

Grills: Yes

Playground: Yes

Other activities: Pavilion, skate park, ball fields, playground, soccer, walking path

Agency: City of Rosemount, Parks and Recreation Department

(651) 322-6000

Fishing pier: Yes

Comments: Schwarz Pond is a long walk down the trail from the parking lot of Schwarz Pond Park and is annually stocked with Bluegill Sunfish. An annual kids fishing event is sponsored by the City of Rosemount each July during Leprechaun Days at this pond.

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