Riverpointe Pond

Location: Watertown, Riverpointe Park, Highway 25 and County Road 122

Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish

Riverpointe Pond.
Depth: 28 feet

Size: 5.75 acres

Recent fish stocking

Wheelchair access: Fair, the path is accessible around the pond but doesn't lead directly to any shore fishing locations.

MTC bus: None nearby

Park entrance fee: No

Restrooms: No

Parking: Good

Picnic: No

Grills: No

Playground: No

Other activities: Shore fishing blocks, swimming beach, walking path

Agency: City of Watertown 
(952) 955-2681

Fishing pier: Yes

location map for Riverpointe
Comments: Riverpointe Pond is located along the South Fork of the Crow River just outside the city of Watertown. Riverpointe provides a great challenge for even the experienced angler in that its deep basins, abundant vegetation and clear water provide places for fish to seek cover.  Try the northern basin for Bluegills and Largemouth Bass as well as deep waters for Channel Catfish.

2015 Lake Survey Results:

Location and DateSpeciesAbundanceAverage Length (in)Maximum Length (in)
RiverpointeBlack Bullheadmedium7.69.7
(Carver)Black Crappiemedium7.89.0
 Channel Catfishlow17.118.5
 Northern pikelow24.029.1
 Yellow Bullheadlow8.59.0

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