East Moore Lake

Location: Fridley, Moore Lake Park, Highway 65 and 694

Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Yellow Perch, Bullhead

Moore Lake.
Depth: 22 feet

Size: 28 acres

Recent fish stocking

Lake Map: Download map  

Wheelchair access: Excellent

MTC bus: Routes 10

Park entrance fee: No

Restrooms: Yes

Parking: Excellent

Picnic: Yes

Grills: Yes

Playground: Yes

Other activities: Ball fields, basketball, swimming beach, tennis, volleyball, walking path

Agency: City of Fridley (763) 572-3570

Fishing pier: Yes, two.

location map for Moore
Comments: Moore Lake is divided by Highway 65 into two basins called West Moore and East Moore Lake. Shorefishing is easier on East Moore where there is a long open shoreline and two fishing piers.  Mooore Lake is known for abundant Northern Pike and nice sized Bluegills.  A fish survey conducted in 2009 found Bluegill average length was over 6.5 inches.

More information about Moore Lake

2009 Lake Survey Results:

Location and DateSpeciesAbundanceAverage Length (in)Maximum Length (in)
MooreBlack Bullheadlow9.610.6
06/16/2009Common Carplow12.622.8
 Hybrid Sunfishlow7.78.1
 Largemouth Basshigh4.45.2
 Northern Pikemedium19.522.9
 Pumpkinseed Sunfishlow4.76.3
 Yellow Bullheadhigh9.813.4
 Yellow Perchmedium5.76.6

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