Jordan Mill Pond

Location: Jordan, Lagoon Park, Park Drive and Sunset Drive

Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike

Jordan Mill Pond.
Depth: 18 feet

Size: 16 acres

Recent fish stocking

Wheelchair access: Excellent

MTC bus: None nearby

Park entrance fee: No

Restrooms: Yes

Parking: Excellent

Picnic: Yes

Grills: Yes

Playground: Yes

Other activities:  Pavilion, picnic tables, swimming beach, walking path

Agency: City of Jordan (952) 492-2535

Fishing pier: Yes

location map for Jordan Mill
Comments: With the addition of a new fishing pier, Jordan Mill Pond is an ideal place to take a child fishing.  The surrounding park as well as the newly added shoreline restoration have improved the water quality of Jordan Mill Pond and have created habitat for game fish to reproduce. This pond is a beautiful place to launch a canoe and cast for Largemouth Bass.

More information about Jordan Mill Pond

2016 Lake Survey Results:

Location and DateSpeciesAbundanceAverage Length (in)Maximum Length (in)
Jordan MillBlack Bullheadlow11.711.6
(Scott)Black Crappiemedium7.29.3
 Channel Catfishlow14.014.0
 Largemouth Basslow9.616.2
 Northern Pikelow30.033.7
 Yellow Bullheadlow9.510.0
 Yellow Perchlow7.77.7

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