Location: Inver Grove Heights, 80th Street and Highway 52, Behind the Community Center and City OfficesSpecies present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, White Sucker, Bullhead
Depth: 15 feetSize: 13.5 acresRecent fish stockingWheelchair access: Fair, walking path is near the water if the water level is up, otherwise it is a soft approach through dirt.MTC bus: Route 68 and 71Park entrance fee: NoRestrooms: NoParking: ExcellentPicnic: NoGrills: NoPlayground: Yes, and the Grove Community Center is located on grounds.Other activities: Indoor water park, loaner fishing poles, skate park, walking pathAgency: City of Inver Grove Heights, Parks and Recreation Department (651) 450-2585Fishing pier: No
Comments: This small lake has been managed by the FiN Program for sunfish over the years and in 2021 was stocked with Walleye fry to be used as a rearing pond. DNR Fisheries will return in the fall to harvest out Walleye fingerlings to stock other lakes. The Walleye that remain should be catchable size by the winter of 2022.