Casey Lake

Location: North St. Paul,  Casey Lake Park, County Road C and Sean's Way (East of White Bear Avenue)

Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie

Casey Lake.
Depth: 3.5 feet

Size: 12 acres

Recent fish stocking

Wheelchair access: Poor

MTC bus: Routes 64 and 80

Park entrance fee: No

Restrooms: Yes

Parking: Excellent

Picnic: Yes

Grills: Yes

Playground: Yes

Other activities: Ball fields, shore fishing stations, walking path

Agency: City of North Saint Paul, Parks and Recreation (651) 747-2400

Fishing pier: No.

location map for Casey
Comments: Casey Lake is shallow but can provide some fun shorefishing action for the panfish that are annually stocked into this lake. While fishing, enjoy the beautiful shoreline restoration that was constructed along the edge of the lake to help intercept nutrients in runoff before they enter the lake. The Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District and the University of Minnesota are working on a project to eliminate Common Carp from Casey Lake which should help improve water quality in this lake and in downstream lakes such as Kohlman and Gervais.

NOTICE: A winterkill has occurred on Casey Lake with dead Bluegill and Largemouth Bass observed. FiN will be re-stocking this lake with Bluegill to provide fishing opportunities this summer.

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