The list below is a convenient tool for identifying fishes of Minnesota waters that require VHSV testing but is not exhaustive. Certain species that are not endemic to Minnesota may not be listed but are available from the American Fisheries Society list linked below.Additionally, the list is not conclusive. Many species likely are susceptible to infection with VHSV but have not been tested or identified in natural infections.Additional species are included that have not been tested for VHSV-susceptibility but still require surveillance due to their common use for bait. These additional species are denoted by an asterisk (*) in the list below.
Abbreviated susceptible species list
Common name | Scientific name |
Atlantic Salmon | Salmo salar |
Black Crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus |
Bluegill | Lepomis macrochirus |
Bluntnose Minnow | Pimephales notatus |
Brown Bullhead | Ameiurus nebulosis |
Brown Trout | Salmo trutta |
Coho salmon | Oncorhynchus kisutch |
Chinook Salmon | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha |
Emerald Shiner | Notropis atherinoides |
Fathead Minnow | Pimephales promelas |
Freshwater Drum | Aplodinotus grunniens |
Gizzard Shad | Dorosoma cepedianum |
*Cisco/Tullibee/Herring | *Coregonus sp |
Lake Trout | Salvelinus namaycush |
*Whitefish | *Coregonus sp |
Largemouth Bass | Micropterus salmoides |
Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy |
Northern Pike | Esox lucius |
Pumpkinseed | Lepomis gibbosus |
Rainbow Trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Rock Bass | Ambloplites rupestris |
Round Goby | Neogobius melanostomus |
Smallmouth Bass | Micropterus dolomieu |
*Smelts | *Osmerus, Spirinchus, Hypomesus & Allosmerus sp |
Spottail Shiner | Notropis hudsonius |
Steelhead | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Threespine Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus |
Walleye | Sander vitreus |
White Bass | Morone chrysops |
White Perch | Morone americana |
Yellow Perch | Perca flavescens |
The list above is an abbreviated list of freshwater fishes determined to be susceptible to infection with the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus or requiring special testing for VHSV. It contains fish known to live in Minnesota waters and is adapted from the American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section Blue Book.
As of 2020, more than 100 species of freshwater and marine fish had been reported to be susceptible to VHSV infection in either natural infections or experimental infection trials. Susceptibility is based on conclusive scientific evidence of susceptibility as defined by the World Organization for Animal Health.