Minnesota's Firewise in the Classroom is a free interdisciplinary curriculum for grades 6-12 correlated to national and Minnesota Geography, Science, and Social Science Academic Standards.
Firewise in the Classroom is free for all Minnesota teachers. Fill out the Firewise in the Classroom form to request access to this free curriculum.
The curriculum can be tailored to meet individual classroom needs with adaptable modules for class length and remote learning options, and can be taught by teachers, Firewise Specialists, or through recorded video presentations.
In this authentic learning experience, students play a critical role in helping their communities reduce wildfire risk while gaining knowledge, applying new skills, being exposed to potential careers, and providing valuable wildfire risk data to their communities and state. It integrates spatial analysis, technology, and community service.
Through these lessons, students:
- Learn about wildland fire risks in Minnesota and beyond
- Explore forestry and other natural resource careers
- Use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to evaluate fire risks
- Educate their community on steps to reduce fire risk
- Participate in wildland fire mitigation activities
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources provides this curriculum as part of Firewise USA®, a national program helping communities adapt to living with the risk of wildland fire.
For questions, email [email protected].