The southern boundary is Leech Lake and the moraines south of the lake. The northern boundary is the southern shore of Glacial Lake Agassiz. On the east side, the boundary of the subsection is a series of end moraines (Rainy Lobe in origin, but later covered by the St. Louis Sublobe). The west side is framed by the Alexandria Moraine Complex.Level to gently rolling lake plains and till plains characterize this subsection. Three large, heavily used lakes are found here. These include Leech Lake, Lake Winnibigoshish, and Cass Lake. Conifers dominated the sandier portions of the subsection before settlement. Aspen-birch, sugar maple, basswood, northern red oak, and bur oak were common components on more productive sites. Present day land use is recreation and forestry.
The primary landforms are ground moraines, a lake plain, stagnation moraines, and an outwash plain. All are associated with the Des Moines lobe or the Wadena lobe (middle to late Wisconsin glaciation period). The ground moraines are characterized by gently rolling topography and have calcareous loamy parent material. The lake plain (Glacial Lake Aitkin) is level to gently rolling and has variable parent material, ranging from fine sands to clays. The stagnation moraines have gently rolling to hilly topography and have calcareous, loamy parent materials. The outwash plain has level to gently rolling topography and has fine to medium sandy parent material.