dwarf trout lily (
Erythronium propullans) is a spring-ephemeral wildflower that is both state and federally endangered. It is endemic to Minnesota, meaning the entire world's population is found only here...and in just three counties in southern Minnesota! It is related to the common white trout lily, and the two species are often found growing together. The dwarf trout lily has a flower no bigger than a dime, while the common white trout lily flower is larger.
Derek Anderson, a
Minnesota Biological Survey (MBS) Botanist/Plant Ecologist, reported two updates about work done to
survey dwarf trout lily wildflower populations in two locations: the River Bend Nature Center in Faribault, MN and at the
Clinton Falls Dwarf Trout Lily Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) in Steele County.
River Bend Nature Center
During the week of April 17th, the Minnesota Biological Survey conducted annual surveys and monitoring efforts for the federally and state endangered dwarf trout lily. It was a successful season. We relocated one population last documented in 1992, and another last documented nearly 40 years ago! In the course of looking for these older populations, we also discovered one of these populations occupied a much larger area than expected. This work could not have been done without the help of 29 volunteers donating almost 220 hours of their time during the week."
Clinton Falls Dwarf Trout Lily SNA
On April 18th, volunteers assisted MBS staff with relocating monitoring plots and collecting data on the Clinton Falls Dwarf Trout Lily SNA by creating 1 square meter sampling frames in various locations throughout the SNA. Then, by flagging and counting all flowering individual dwarf trout lilies within these plots.