Cold 2014 in Minnesota

Winter Scene: January 2014 at the U of M St. Paul Campus
Winter Scene: January 2014 at the U of M St. Paul Campus
Courtesy: MNDNR State Climatology Office
2014 is poised to be the coolest year in Minnesota since 1996. This is despite the fact that the globe as a whole will have the warmest year on record. The December totals still need to be incorporated.

Statewide Averages for Minnesota
(120 years 1895-2014)

Month     departure   rank 
January   -7.5       33rd coldest
February  -11.5      11th coldest
March     -8.2       21st coldest
April     -4.6       20th coldest
May       -0.8       57th warmest
June       0.6       39th warmest
July      -2.3       23rd coldest
August     0.3       42nd warmest
September  0.9       34th warmest
October    1.4       45th warmest
November  -7.3       14th coldest
December   ???       ????
Last modified: March 4, 2015
For more information contact: [email protected]

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