Wet June in the Twin Cities

June 2014 was memorable, with widespread rain events across Minnesota, and finished as one of the wettest Junes on record in the Twin Cities. June 19 was also the wettest calendar day in the Twin Cities in nine years.

The Twin Cities International Airport recorded 4.13 inches of rain on June 19th. This is enough to be the 6th wettest calendar day on record in the Twin Cities with records going back to 1871. The highest calendar day rainfall total is 9.15 inches on July 23, 1987 in the "Super Storm." The last time there was a rainfall total on a calendar day higher than June 19th in the Twin Cites was 4.61 inches on October 4, 2005.

Top Ten Calendar Day Precipitation
Totals in the Twin Cities

Rank Value (in) Date
1.   9.15      Jul 23, 1987 (super storm)
2.   7.28      Aug 30, 1977 (state fair storm)
3.   6.35      Jul 27, 1892
4.   4.96      Sep 12, 1903  
5.   4.61      Oct  4, 2005
6.   4.13      Jun 19, 2014
7.   4.08      Aug 24, 1893
8.   4.07      Jul 27, 1949
9.   3.75      Sep 18, 1905
     3.75      Jul 11, 1909 (tie)

June 2014 was one of the wettest Junes on record in the Twin Cities with 11.36, inches just shy of the wettest June on record in 1874, which had 11.67 inches. Normal June precipitation for the Twin Cities is 4.25 inches for the entire month.

What was the impact of the rainy June 140 years ago in 1874? It was generally looked at as a positive owing to the fact that April and May were dry. The rain was favorable for the wheat crop and rivers were on the rise, helping lumbermen drive logs.

Top Ten Highest June 
Precipitation Totals
in the Twin Cities 

Rank Value (in) Year
1.   11.67      1874
2.   11.36      2014
3.    9.82      1990
4.    9.00      1897
5.    8.63      1914
6.    8.43      1920
7.    8.30      2002
8.    7.99      1975
9.    7.95      1984
10.   7.80      1946

2014 was the wettest January 1-June 30 on record in the Twin Cities. The January 1 to June 30 total was 25.83 inches and handily beat 1975 which had 22.48 inches for the first six months of the year.

Last modified: April 23, 2015
For more information contact: [email protected]

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