Cool and Gloomy Early June 2013

The cool and gloomy weather that reigned during the month of May continued into the first week on June. The persistent low cloud cover prevented temperatures from recovering close to the normal maximum for the day. In fact the average maximum temperature during the first six days of June ranks as the 11th coolest such period for the Twin Cities. Unfortunately for those who enjoy warm weather the historical record provides little hope, at least for June. Each of the ten years that were cooler, with the exception of 2001, finished June with a monthly mean temperature below the long-term average.

Not only has it been cool for the first six days of June, it's been the cloudiest start to June in fifty years at the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus Climate Observatory. The next two cloudiest starts to June are 1996 and 2008.

Twin Cities Coolest 
Average Maximum for June 1-6
Temperatures in Degrees F
(Period: 1873 - 2013)

Rank   Avg Max	Year
 1. 	59.3 	1945
 2. 	59.8 	1897 	
 3. 	60.3 	1910	
 4. 	63.3 	2001  
 5. 	63.2 	1935
  	63.2 	1917
 7. 	63.3 	1951
 8. 	63.7 	1998 
 9. 	64.7 	1962 
  	64.7 	1875
11. 	65.3 	2013
Last modified: April 24, 2015
With assistance from Nick Yates, Climatology Volunteer
Pete Boulay, DNR Climatologist
For more information contact: [email protected]

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