It's been a warm second half of 2011 in the Twin Cities with an average temperature of 56.3 degrees. This is 4.8 degrees above the 1981-2010 average of 51.5 degrees. The second half of 2011 was so warm in fact that July to December will finish as the second warmest second half of the year on record for the Twin Cities going back to 1873. The only July-December period that was warmer is 1931 with an average of 56.8 degrees.The last three months from October to December in the Twin Cities tied the second warmest on record back to 1873 with an average of 40.8 degrees, equaling 2001 with 40.8 degrees. 1931 claims the most mild spot with 41.6 degrees.
Last modified: July 9, 2015
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