So far there hasn't been a 90 degree temperature this July in the Twin Cities. If the Twin Cities does not reach 90 by the end of the month, this will only be the eighth time since 1891 that the mercury did not reach 90 in July in the Twin Cities. The other years are: 1902, 1915, 1944, 1958 and 1992-94. Three of those years (1902, 1915 and 1993) did not have any 90 degree or higher temperatures for the year. So far in 2009 there have been 5. Two of those were in May and three were in June. On average, July has about 5 or 6 days that reach 90 or above for the Twin Cities.The cool July has not been confined to the Twin Cities, in fact in a swath from North Dakota to South Carolina has seen cool weather this July. Louisville, Kentucky also has not seen a 90 degree temperature this July and is six degrees below normal for the month, the coldest July on record so far. Not to be outdone, the "Nation's Icebox" International Falls is over seven degrees below normal and is on track to have its coldest July on record and hasn't seen a high of 80 degrees in July 2009!
Last modified: December 29, 2016
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