Dry May 2009

May was very dry for much of Minnesota, especially in the Twin Cities. May finished with only .53 inches of precipitation at the Twin Cities International Airport, making it the 3rd driest May back to 1891. The only other Mays that were drier were 1934 and 1900. It was dry elsewhere in the state too including St. Cloud with 1.63 inches of rain, 1.34 inches below normal. Duluth was 2.13 inches, which was .82 inches below normal. A few places finished with slightly above normal precipitation for the month such as International Falls and Rochester.

Top 10 driest Mays in the Twin Cities 1891-2009

Rank Value   Year
1.   .21     1934
2.   .43     1900
3.   .53     2009
4.   .61     1967
5.   .69     1955
6.   .74     1948
7.   .90     1949
8.  1.03     1924
9.  1.13     1926/1976

Last modified: January 6, 2017
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