Southeast Minnesota Flood Damage Photos

Photos from the Root River State Trail

Mudslide on to the trailTrail washed out by the river Photo of widened Root RiverStaff inspecting washed out trail Trail entering a flooded valley Water flowing on flooded trail
Mudslide onto trail

Trail washed out by the river

Photo of widened Root River

Staff inspecting washed out trail

Trail entering a flooded valley

Water flowing on flooded trail


Photos from the Whitewater area and Whitewater WMA

General FloodingState highway 74Camper damagedMore flood damage
General Flooding

State highway 74

Camper damaged

More flood damage

Photos from Whitewater State Park

Flooding in the campgroundCampground road damageSeptic system damageRoad to south picnic areaCampground damageGroup camp bridge
Flooding in the campground

Campground road damage

Septic system damage

Road to south picnic area

Campground damage

Group camp bridge

Beach AreaCampground road damageSeptic system damageRoad to south picnic areaLow water crossingGroup camp bridge
Flooding in the beach area

Former manager's residence damage

CCC dam damage

Sanitation building damage

Low water crossing

Group parking lot damage

South picnic CCC wall South picnic roadSouth picnic roadLower Cedar Hill campgroundLower Cedar Hill campgroundGroup center sidewalk
South picnic CCC wall

South picnic road

South picnic road

Lower Cedar Hill campground

Lower Cedar Hill campground

Group center sidewalk

Campground damageGroup center bridgeGroup center sidewalkGroup center roadGroup center parkingGroup center sidewalk
Group parking lot damage

Group center bridge

Group center sidewalk

Group center road

Group center parking

Group center sidewalk

Trail DamageSanitation buildingSouth picnic roadGroup camp sanitation building About 20 picnic tables were sept awayCamp Sites 89 & 91 Eroded Away
Trail Damage

Sanitation building

South picnic road

Group camp sanitation building

About 20 picnic tables were sept away

Camp Sites 89 & 91 Eroded Away

Damage to campers property was minimalDebris on hwy & ball fieldAbout 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept away
Damage to campers property was minimal

Debris on hwy & ball field

Erosion at base of Chimney Rock Trail

Flooded Beach

High water mark of S. Picnic Area vault toilet

Hillside soil, rock & vegetation slid down in many locations.

About 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept awayAbout 20 picnic tables were sept away
Hwy. 74 washed out by Nature Store

Many signs were damaged or destroyed

Recycling shed washed away & tree fell on it

River channel is now 100 from campground bridge

Road Out in Gooseberry Glen

Sediment on Gooseberry Glen Campground

About 20 picnic tables were sept away

South Picnic Area Bridge


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