Trout of Southeast Minnesota

Following are images we have collected over the last few years during our electrofishing assessments. Spring assessments are conducted during the last two weeks of March and the first two weeks of April. Fall assessments are conducted during the last two weeks of September and the first two weeks of October. These assessments are how we monitor the trout populations of southeast Minnesota.

Below is a photo of two brook trout. The one at the bottom of the photo is a male and the one at the top of the photo is a female. Note the slight color difference and the larger slightly hooked jaw of the male.

Male and female brook trout

Male brook trout develop intense coloration in late fall during their spawning time as seen below.

Male brook trout in spawning colors

This 21" brown trout is from a southern Houston County stream.

Houston County brown trout

This 22" male brown trout is from a western Fillmore County stream.

Fillmore County brown trout

Here is a photo of that fish being released. Note the live boxes we use to hold fish in the stream while we measure and weigh them.

Fillmore County brown trout

Brown trout can be extremely colorful during fall spawning. This fish was in the North Branch Whitewater River.

Winona County brown trout

This fish was collected in the same assessment as the brown above.

Winona County brown trout

Another brown trout from the North Branch Whitewater River.

Winona County brown trout

This large male brown trout has been collected in three consecutive spring assessments. This year he was 22".

Houston County brown trout

A Cold Spring Brook brown trout.

Cold Spring Brook brown trout

Another brown trout from Cold Spring Brook. Note the difference in coloration from the one above.

Cold Spring Brook brown trout

This large brown came from a western Fillmore County stream. He was 21.7".

Fillmore County brown trout

Here is another photo of his head and large hooked jaw typical of large male brown trout.

Fillmore County brown trout

The photo below is of a hatchery raised rainbow trout in Winnebago Creek collected in the spring.

Houston County rainbow trout

Tiger trout are relatively rare in southeast Minnesota. They are a cross between a brown and brook trout.

Fillmore County tiger trout

Below is another photo of a young tiger trout collected in a Winona County stream.

Winona County tiger trout

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