Brown's Creek runs from it's source near Withrow to the mouth north of Stillwater. That portion of the stream than contains trout is downstream of Neal Ave on the west side of Stillwater.
Species Present:
Brown Trout: average abundance, average size.
The public has access, either through publicly owned land or purchased easements, to much of the cold water portion of this stream. The exception is property on either side of the stone arch bridge (County Road 55 - Stonebridge Trail N.) The property on both sides of the bridge is private - anglers need to ask permission to fish in those areas, do not trespass on private property.The Department of Transportation maintains three parking places for anglers in the lower portion of the stream on the north shoulder of Highway 96 (Dellwood Road), just west of the junction with Highway 95 (St. Croix Trail).
Management Plans:
- Population assessment in 2024.
- Stock 1,000 Rainbow Trout yearlings each spring.
Browns Creek is a stream that is marginally suited to trout. Urban development in the surrounding watershed threatens trout populations by increasing warm runoff into the stream after summer storm events. The lower portion of the stream (below Stonebridge Trail N.) transverses a steep, heavily wooded ravine. This area has the highest trout population. The area of the stream upstream of the railroad bridge crossing is through a golf course. The stream is shallow and sandy here, and few trout are present. Anglers should beware of flying golf balls.That portion of the stream upstream of County Road 64 (McKusick Rd. N.) was reconstructed by DNR staff with the cooperation of the City of Stillwater and Oak Glen Golf Club. There are some trout stocked here, and the trout population is increasing in this area.