This lake lies along the east side of Rice Street, just north of I-694.Species Present:
Bullhead species: higher than average abundance, smaller than average.Crappie Species:occasionally present.
Boat Access:
The St. Paul Water Utility prohibits boating on this lake.Shore Fishing:
Anglers may fish from shore along the east shore of the lake. No wading of use of any inflatable device is allowed. Access to this area is restricted by the water utility to daylight hours only, May through October.Management Plans:
No fish management is planned at this time.Comments:
West Vadnais is very shallow and suffers regular winterkills. Fishing is limited to catching small bullheads most years, and may be limited by heavy vegetation growth.Crappie turn up in this lake occasionally, and can provide good fishing some years.More information about Vadnais Lake (West)