Typo Lake is located west of Stacy on Fawn Lake Drive N.E.Species Present:
Walleye: average abundance, average size.Northern Pike:below average abundance, smaller than average size.
Bluegill: below average abundance, average size.
Crappie: above average abundance, above average size.
Bullhead species: average abundance, average size.
Boat Access:
The state owned access is located on the southeast corner of the lake on Fawn Lake Drive N.E. The access is small and may not be suitable for larger boats.Shore Fishing:
Shore fishing is available at the boat access area and the road shoulder of Fawn Lake Drive. Additional shore fishing may be possible from the Wildlife Managment Area located adjacent to the west central portion of the lake.Management Plans:
- Fisheries standard lake survey in 2025.
- Stock 295,000 Walleye fry annually.
- Coordinate with Division of Wildlife and the Sunrise River WMO in developing a fish barrier on the outlet.