Turtle Lake


Turtle Lake is located north of Highway 96, west of Hodson Road (MN. 49). 

Species Present:

Walleye: below average abundance, average size.
Northern Pike: average abundance, smaller than average size.
Largemouth Bass: average abundance, above average size.
Sunfish species: above average abundance, smaller than average size.
Crappie: below average abundance, above average size.
Bullhead species: low abundance, average size.
Yellow Perch: low abundance, small size.

Boat Access:

The County owned access to this lake is located at the south east corner of the lake in Turtle Lake County Park. This is a very popular lake and the access is often full on weekends. 

Shore Fishing:

Shore anglers may fish from shore in the area between the county beach and the boat ramp. However, this area of the lake is very shallow and sandy and anglers cannot be expected to be very successful here. 

Special Regulation:

This lake has a special regulation which requires all Largemouth Bass between 14 and 20 inches to be immediately released back into the lake. Regular statewide possession limits apply (six fish) with only one Largemouth Bass over 20” allowed in possession. The regulation is intended to allow some harvest of bass while still protecting large fish for anglers to target. 

Management Plans:

  1. Fisheries standard lake survey in 2025.
  2. Stock 245 pounds of Walleye fingerlings annually. 

Aquatic Invasive Species Alert:

This lake contains Eurasian watermilfoil. Remove any visible plants from your boat, trailer, or other boating equipment before leaving the lake. 


Turtle Lake is a very popular Largemouth Bass lake. Bass fishing is good, with occasional trophy fish encountered. Sunfish in this lake are small. Walleye were introduced to provide additional angling opportunities and have done well. The occasional large Northern Pike is seen on this lake.

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