Tanners Lake


Tanner's Lake is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of I-94 and Century Avenue. 

Species Present:

Walleye: lower than average abundance, average size.
Northern Pike: lower than average abundance, average size.
Largemouth Bass: lower than average abundance, average size.
Bluegill: higher than average abundance, average size.
Crappie: lower than average abundance, smaller than average size.
Channel Catfish: Above average abundance, average size, with larger individuals present.
Bullhead species: lower than average abundance, average size.
Yellow perch: average abundance, small size.

Boat Access:

  • City of Oakdale - access is located on the eastern shore of the lake. Travel east of Century Avenue along the north frontage road to I-94 until you reach Greenway Avenue. Turn left on Greenway to 2nd Avenue, then turn left. Follow 2nd Avenue to the park entrance on your left.
  • The city of Landfall - also has a boat access. It is located immediately south of the Oakdale access, directly behind the Harley-Davidson dealership on the I-94 frontage road.
  • This lake has a surface water restriction which limits travel on the lake (on the water or the ice) to a maximum of 10 mph. 

Shore Fishing:

Both city parks have fishing piers plus additional public shoreline within the respective facilities. There are also dead end city streets on both the east side and west side of the lake where shore anglers may fish. The western side street can be reached by turning east off Century Avenue onto 4th street. Follow 4th to Gentry, then north. Watch to the right for a road which ends at the lake.

The eastern side can be reached by going east of Century on 7th street to Glenbrook. Turn right and Glenbrook and watch to the right for the dead end road. Fishing can be limited by aquatic vegetation at some parts of the year. 

Management Plans:

  1. Fisheries standard lake survey in 2023.
  2. Stock 84 pounds of Walleye fingerlings when surplus fish are available.
  3. Stock 56,000 Walleye fry when surplus fish are available.


This is a nice little lake that gets fished a lot by shore anglers. Bank anglers have caught acceptable size Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Walleye and Northern Pike. 

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