Reshanau Lake


Reshenau Lake is located in Lino Lakes adjacent to the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park. 

Species Present:

Northern Pike: lower than average abundance, smaller than average size.
Bluegill:average abundance, smaller than average size.
Crappie:lower than average abundance, average size.
Bullhead species: higher than average abundance, smaller than average size.

Boat Access:

There is no boat access to this lake. 

Shore Fishing:

Shore fishing is limited to a small city park on the southwest shore of the lake. 

Management Plans:

  1. No fish management is planned for this lake. 


This lake suffers from occasional winterkill (the last in 2014) and can have high populations of Common Carp and Bullheads. Water quality is poor, with algae blooms common. Some fish have been stocked by riparian owners under permit from DNR. 

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