Pine Tree Lake


This lake is located north of Highway 96 between Apple Orchard Road and Ideal Ave. 

Species Present:

Walleye: lower than average abundance, average size.
Largemouth Bass: average abundance, average size with some larger fish present.
Bluegill: average abundance, average size.
Crappie: average abundance, average size.
Hybrid Muskie: lower than average abundance, average size.
Muskie: lower than average abundance, average size. Muskie in this lake are emigrants from Bald Eagle Lake.
Bullhead species: lower than average abundance, larger than average size.

Boat Access:

There is no public access to this lake - the entire shoreline is in private ownership. 

Shore Fishing:

There is no public shoreline on this lake. Fishing in limited to riparian owners and their guests. 

Management Plans:

  1. None planned at this time. 


This lake has no public access for boats, shore anglers or winter fishing. Aquatic vegetation is abundant, and can be limiting to fishing and recreational boating. The lake is aerated in the winter by two riparian owners, at their own expense, under permit by the DNR. The lake has been stocked with Walleye and Hybrid Muskie by a riparian owner with a permit from DNR. 

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