Orchard Lake


This lake is located in the western portion of Lakeville, west of the intersection of I-35 and highway 50. 

Species Present:

Walleye: below average abundance, average size.
Northern Pike: average abundance, average size.
Largemouth Bass: average abundance, average size.
Bluegill: above average abundance, smaller than average size.
Crappie:average abundance, average size with some larger individuals present.
Hybrid Muskie: above average abundance, average size with some larger fish present.
Bullhead species: above average abundance, above average size.
Yellow Perch: average abundance, average size.

Boat Access:

The city owned access is located on the south shore of the lake. Travel west of I-35 on 172nd street, then follow the lake around to the left on Kodiak Ave. to the access. There are surface use restrictions on this lake. See signs at the access. 

Shore Fishing:

Angling from shore on this lake is limited by heavy vegetation growth most of the year. There are three areas of public shoreline on Orchard Lake: the boat access site, the public beach on the west shore, and a small open space at the northeast corner of the lake. Anglers may fish at any of these sites. 

Management Plans:

  1. Fisheries standard lake survey in 2022.
  2. Stock 468 Hybrid Muskie in even numbered years.
  3. Stock 177 pounds of Walleye fingerlings when surplus fish are available. 


Orchard is one of the better sites for Hybrid Muskie fishing in the metro. Sunfish are very abundant but smaller than averaged size, with a large population of Hybrid Sunfish present. Walleye abundance is low. 

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