Little Carnelian


Little Carnelian is located south and east of Big Carnelian, west of Partridge Road N. 

Species Present:

Northern Pike: average abundance, average size.
Largemouth Bass: lower than average abundance, average size.
Bluegill: above average abundance, smaller than average size.
Crappie: average abundance, average size with some larger individuals present.
Bullhead species: average abundance, average size.
Yellow Perch: low abundance, average size.

Boat Access:

There is no public boat access to this lake but anglers may walk a canoe or kayak down the walking path to access the lake.

Shore Fishing:

Stillwater Township has a small park on the southwest corner of the lake. Anglers must park on the street and walk down a hiking path to reach the lake. 

Management Plans:

  1. Population assessment as needed, when staff are available. 


There is very limited public access to this lake by way of the township maintained walking path. The adjacent lake, Big Carnelian, has rusty crayfish. This lake may also contain rusty crayfish. 

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