Jane Lake


Lake Jane is located within the City of Lake Elmo. 

Species Present:

Northern Pike: above average abundance, smaller than average size.
Largemouth Bass: above average abundance, above average size.
Bluegill: above average abundance, smaller than average size.
Crappie: below average abundance, small average size.
Bullhead species: average abundance, above average size.
Yellow Perch: Low abundance, small size.

Boat Access:

The DNR owned access is located on the south shore of the Lake off Lake Jane Trail. This lake has surface use restrictions. See rules posted at the access. 

Shore Angling:

There are no satisfactory areas for shore angling on this lake. 

Special Regulation:

Angling for Largemouth Bass is limited to catch-and-release only. All bass must be immediately returned to the water. 

Management Plans:

  1. Fisheries standard lake survey in 2028. 

Aquatic Invasive Species Alert:

This lake contains Eurasian watermilfoil. Remove any visible plants from your boat, trailer, or other boating equipment before leaving the lake. 


Lake Jane is a popular Largemouth Bass fishing lake, with good numbers and sizes of bass present. Northern Pike are abundant, but small. Bluegill are generally small, but some larger fish were present in the last investigation.

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