Island Lake


This lake is located within Martin-Island-Linwood Regional Park Reserve operated by Anoka County. 

Species Present:

Walleye: lower than average abundance, average size.
Northern Pike: lower than average abundance, average size.
Largemouth Bass: lower than average abundance, average size.
Bluegill: average abundance, average size with some larger individuals present.
Crappie: average abundance, average size with some larger individuals present.
Bullhead species: lower than average abundance, average size.

Boat Access:

There is no boat ramp on this lake. There is an un-improved access to the inlet creek off Viking Blvd. Small boats may gain access to the lake by navigating the creek. Access is limited to small boats and is dependent on sufficient water level in the creek. 

Shore Fishing:

The entire shoreline lies within the county park. Densely wooded shoreline and riparian bogs limit fishing access to the creek mouth and to the beach area along the eastern shore of the lake.

A portion of the lake borders Camp Sally: access is restricted in this area to registered guests. 

Management Plans:

  1. Population assessment as needed when scheduling permits.
  2. Monitor winter oxygen levels as needed.


This lake lies between Linwood Lake and Martin Lake - both managed Walleye lakes. Walleyes found in this lake are migrants from the other lakes in the system. The lake has fair water quality, but the water is bog-stained. There are some nice fish here, but access is challenging.

Winter anglers should use caution as currents from the creek passing through the lake may cause the ice to be un-safe.

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