Fish Lake


Fish Lake is located along Pilot Knob Road, just north of Wescott in the city of Eagan. 

Species Present:

Northern Pike: above average abundance, average size.
Largemouth Bass: below average abundance, smaller than average size.
Bluegill: average abundance, smaller than average size.
Crappie: average abundance, smaller than average size.
Bullhead species: above average abundance, smaller than average size.

Boat Access:

The city owned boat access is located on the east end of the lake. Turn east off Pilot Knob on Crestridge Lane. Continue east until you reach Denmark, then turn right (south). The access will be on the right just after Kolstad Lane. This is a small facility and may not be suitable for larger boats. 

Shore Fishing:

This lake has a fishing pier located on the north shore of the lake. Follow the path from the boat access to the west to reach the pier. 

Lake Management Plans:

  1. Population assessment in 2018.
  2. Monitor winter oxygen level as needed; operation of winter aeration system by city. 

Aquatic Invasive Species Alert:

This lake contains Eurasian watermilfoil. Remove any visible plant material from boat, trailer and boating equipment before leaving the lake. 


Fish Lake is a small bass-panfish lake with a good population of northern pike. Fishing may be impaired by heavy vegetation growth. 

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