Clear Lake


This lake is located northwest of Square Lake on Camp Wilder property.

Species Present:

Northern Pike: above average abundance, average size.
Largemouth Bass: average abundance, average size.
Bluegill: lower than average abundance, smaller than average size.
Bullhead species: average abundance, average size.
Yellow Perch: lower than average abundance, small average size.

Boat Access:

There is no public access to this lake.

Shore Fishing:

The entire shoreline is in private ownership. Fishing is limited to Camp Wilder guests. Fishing is limited by a wooded shoreline and heavy growth of aquatic vegetation in many areas.

Management Plans:

  1. Population assessment/re-survey as needed, when staff is available.


This lake has no public access, fishing is limited to Camp Wilder guests.

A population assessment was conducted in the summer of 2006. The fish population consisted of an average population of smaller Northern Pike (with a couple of medium sized pike); abundant, small Bluegill; a few bass; and some large (9") Hybrid Sunfish.

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