Enjoying all seasons

Two people taking a selfie outdoors.

Our family loves the outdoors in Minnesota and embraces all four seasons. Whether it’s snowmobiling or skiing, fishing or tubing at the lake, or just a weekend hike or bike ride.

Our kids, Philip (5) and Arthur (4) are full of energy and need to get out of the house to get some fresh air and run around. We are so lucky to live in a state that has so many outdoor amenities like the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, where my husband, Nathan, worked over his summer breaks at an outfitter. Growing up in Puerto Rico as a Girl Scout and 4H member, I enjoy every opportunity to discover the great outdoors.

We typically enjoy nature hikes up north and in the Twin Cities. We pack a snack for the trail, look for wildlife and compete in scavenger hunts. There are so many trails and parks to explore!

- Senator Melisa Franzen

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