Note: Each set of emergency rules are in Adobe PDF format. These rules also are available in an alternative format upon request.
To receive copies of expired emergency rules, please contact the DNR Information Center with your request.
- 2025 Mille Lacs Lake Commissioner's Order #1 (Published 3-10-2025).
- Designated Experimental and Special Management Waters (Published 2-24-2025).
- Turkey Hunt, State Game Refuges, and Wildlife Management Areas (Published 1-27-2025)
- 2024 Mille Lacs Lake Commissioner's Order #2 (Published 11-18-2024)
- Special Provisions for Keystone Woods Wildlife Management Area (Published 10-7-2024)
- 2024 Youth and Adult Deer Hunts and Seasons (Published 9-9-2024)
- Taking Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Prairie Chickens (Published 9-9-2024)
- 2024 Deer Seasons and Special Hunts (Published 8-26-2024)
- Wildlife Management Areas, State Game Refuges, Small Game, and Fall Wild Turkey (Published 8-12-2024)
- 2024 Waterfowl and Sandhill Crane Hunting, Game Refuges, Controlled Hunting Zones, and Feeding and Resting Areas (Published 8-12-2024)
- 2024 Mille Lacs Lake Commissioner's Order #1 (Published 8-12-2024)
- 2024 Update to Prohibition on Placing Deer Feed and Using Deer Attractants (Published 7-1-2024)
- Daily and Possession Limits for Gar (Published 7-1-2024)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 5-6-2024)
- Upper Red Lake Fishing (Published 5-6-2024)
- 2024 Bear Season (Published 6-3-2024)
- 2024 Elk Season (Published 6-3-2024)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, State Game Refuges, and Wildlife Management Areas (Published 3-18-2024)
- Designated Experimental and Special Management Waters (Published 2-26-2024)
- Light Goose Population Control (Published 1-22-2024)
- Additional Special Hunts for Managing Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer (Published 12-11-2023)
- 2023 Youth and Adult Special Deer Hunts and Seasons (Published 9-11-2023)
- 2023 Taking Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Prairie Chickens (Published 9-11-2023)
- 2023 Deer Seasons and Special Hunts (Published 8-28-2023)
- 2023 Elk Season (Published 8-7-2023)
- 2023 Waterfowl and Sandhill Crane Hunting, Game Refuges, Controlled Hunting Zones and Feeding and Resting Areas (Published 8-7-2023)
- Wildlife Management Areas, State Game Refuges, Small Game and Fall Wild Turkey (Published 7-31-2023)
- 2023 Mille Lacs Lake Commissioner's Order #1 (Published 7-24-2023)
- 2023 Update to Prohibition on Placing Deer Feed and Using Deer Attractants (Published 6-26-2023)
- Upper Red Lake Fishing (Published 5-1-2023)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 5-1-2023)
- Canada Lynx Management Zone (Published 3-27-2023)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, State Game Refuges, and Wildlife Management Areas (Published 3-6-2023)
- Daily and Possession Limits for Gar (Published 3-6-2023)
- Designated Experimental and Special Management Waters (Published 3-6-2023)
- Taking Bats Under Federal Incidental Take Permit (Published 1-30-2023)
- Additional Special Hunts for Managing Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer (Published 12-12-2022)
- Repeal of Non-Toxic Ammunition Requirements in State Parks Special Hunts (Published 10-24-2022)
- 2022 Elk Season (Published 9-12-2022)
- 2022 Youth and Adult Special Deer Hunts and Seasons (Published 9-12-2022)
- Taking Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Prairie Chickens (Published 9-12-2022)
- Furbearers, Wildlife Management Areas, State Game Refuges, Small Game and Fall Wild Turkey (Published 9-12-2022)
- 2022 Deer Seasons and Special Hunts (Published 8-29-2022)
- Commissioner’s Order #1 Mille Lacs 2022 (Published 8-29-2022)
- 2022 Canada Lynx Management Zone (Published 8-29-2022)
- 2022 Waterfowl and Sandhill Crane Hunting, Game Refuges, Lac qui Parle WMA and Feeding and Resting Areas (Published 8-29-2022)
- 2022-2023 Bear Season (Published 8-8-2022)
- Mille Lacs Fishing (Published 5-9-2022)
- Upper Red Lake Fishing (Published 5-9-2022)
- Commissioner’s Order #2 Mille Lacs 2021 (Published 2-28-2021)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, State Game Refuges, and Wildlife Management Areas (Published 2-22-2021)
- Light Goose Population Control (Published 2-14-2021)
- Additional Special Hunts for Managing Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer (Published 12-13-2021)
- Prohibition on Feeding Deer – 2021 Update (Published 12-27-2021)
- Commissioner’s Order #1 Mille Lacs 2021 (Published 12-6-2021)
- Repealing Temporary Prohibition on Moving Farmed White-Tailed Deer (Published 12-6-2021)
- Temporary Prohibition on Moving Farmed White-Tailed Deer (Published 10-11-2021/Expires 4-11-2023)
- 2021 Deer Seasons and Special Hunts (Published 09-07-2021 / Expires 08-31-2022)
- 2021 Youth and Adult Special Deer Hunts and Seasons (Published 09-07-2021 / Expires 12-31-2021)
- 2021 Elk Season (Published 08-08-2021 / Expires 03-01-2022)
- 2021 Small Game and Furbearers, WMAs and State Refuges, Fall Turkey, Vets Goose Hunt (Published 08-02-2021 / Expires 08-15-2022)
- 2021 Waterfowl and Sandhill Crane Hunting, WMAs and State Refuges, Feeding and Resting Areas (Published 08-02-2021 / Expires 01-30-2022)
- Temporary Prohibition on Moving Farmed White-Tailed Deer (Published 06-01-2021 / Expires 07-30-2021)
- 2021 Bear Season (Published 05-10-2021 / Expires 12-31-2021)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 05-10-2021 / Expires 11-10-2022)
- Upper Red Lake Fishing (Published 05-10-2021 / Expires 11-10-2022)
- 2021 Lynx Management Zone (Published 3-1-2021 / Expires 9-1-2022)
- 2021 Spring Turkey Hunt, State Game Refuges, WMAs, Crow Season (Published 2-8-2021 / Expires 5-1-2022)
- 2020 Special Hunts for Managing Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Deer (Published 12-21-2020 / Expires 1-05-2021)
- 2020 Mille Lacs Lake Commissioner's Order #1 (Published 11-30-2020)
- 2020 Deer Seasons and Special Hunts (Published 9-08-2020 / Expires 1-31-2021)
- 2020 Youth and Adult Special Deer Hunts and Seasons (Published 8-17-2020 / Expires 12-31-2020)
- 2020 Prairie Chicken and Sharp-Tailed Grouse Hunting (Published 8-17-2020 / Expires 12-31-2020)
- 2020 Small Game and Furbearers Seasons, Fall Turkey, WMA’s, State Refuges, Vets Goose Hunt (Published 7-6-2020 / Expires 2-28-2021 and 8-15-2021)
- 2020 CWD Deer Feeding Ban Spring Update (Published 6-29-2020 / Expires 12-30-2021)
- 2020 Waterfowl and Sandhill Crane Seasons, Refuges, Lac qui Parle WMA, Feeding and Resting Areas (Published 06-15-2020 / Expires 01-30-2021)
- 2020 Elk Hunting Season (Published 06-01-2020 / Expires 03-01-2021)
- 2020 Bear Hunting Season (Published 05-18-2020 / Expires 12-31-2020)
- Fishing Mille Lacs Lake Area and Upper Red Lake (Published 05-04-2020 / Expires 11-04-2021)
- 2020 CWD Deer Feeding Prohibition (Published 02-24-2020 \ Expires 08-24-2021)
- 2020 Spring Turkey Hunt, State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Crow Season (Published 2-18-2020 / Expires 7-1-2020 and 5-1-2021)
- 2020 Population Control for Light Geese (Published 2-18-2020 / Expires 8-18-2021)
- CWD Temporary Prohibition on Moving Farmed Deer (Published 12-23-2019 / Expires 01-29-2020)
- 2019 CWD Late Season Deer Hunts (Published 12-16-2019 / Expires 01-01-2020)
- 2019 Mille Lacs Lake Commissioner's Order #2 (Published 11-25-2019)
- Lynx Management Zone (Published 11-18-2019 / Expires 5-25-2020)
- 2019 Mille Lacs Lake Commissioners Order #1 (Published 09-03-2019)
- 2019 Deer Seasons and Special Hunts (Published 08-26-2019 / Expires 01-31-2020)
- 2019 Youth and Adult Special Deer Hunts (Published 08-26-2019 / Expires 12-31-2019)
- Prohibition on Feeding Deer (Published 08-26-2019 / Expires 03-01-2021)
- Taking Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Prairie Chickens (Published 08-26-2019 / Expires 12-31-2019)
- 2019 State Game Refuges; WMA’s; Bear Bait Stations; Special Veterans Goose Hunt; and Taking Small Game, Furbearers, and Wild Turkey (Published 08-05-2019 / Expires 02-29-2020, 08-15-2020)
- 2019 Waterfowl Season; Mourning Doves; Sandhill Crane (Published 06-24-2019 / Expires 01-30-2020)
- 2019 Elk Season (Published 06-10-2019 / Expires 03-01-2020)
- 2019 Bear Season (Published 05-06-2019 / Expires 12-31-2019)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 05-06-2019 / Expires 11-06-2020)
- Deer/Wildlife Feeding Prohibition Central Minnesota (Published 02-25-2019 / Expires 08-25-2020)
- 2019 CWD Deer Management Hunt Permit Area 346 (Published 01-22-2019 / Expires 02-05-2019)
- 2019 Spring Turkey Hunt, Crow Season, and Refuges and WMAs (Published 01-22-2019 / Expires 07-01-2019 and 05-01-2020)
- 2018 Special CWD Deer Hunts (Published 12-17-2018 / Expires 01-02-2019)
- 2018 Mille Lacs Commissioners Order #1 (Published 11-26-2018)
- Upper Red Lake Fishing (Published 10-29-2018 / Expires 04-29-2020)
- 2018 Deer Seasons and Special Hunts (Published 08-13-2018)
- 2018 State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Taking Small Game, Furbearers, and Wild Turkey (Published 08-13-2018)
- 2018 Taking Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Prairie Chickens (Published 08-13-2018)
- 2018 Youth and Adult Special Deer Hunts and Seasons (Published 08-13-2018)
- 2018 Bear Season (Published 05-29-2018 / Expires 12-31-2018)
- 2018 Elk Season (Published 05-29-2018 / Expires 03-01-2019)
- Southeast Minnesota Deer Feeding Ban (Published 05-29-2018 / Expires 12-28-2019)
- Lynx Management Zone Trapping (Published 05-07-2018 / Expires 11-26-2019)
- 2018 Waterfowl Seasons Including Refuges and Controlled Hunt Zones (Published 05-07-2018 / Expires 01-30-2019)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing 2018 (Published 04-23-2018 / Expires 10-23-2019)
- Importing Hunter-Harvested Cervidae (Includes Deer, Elk, Moose, etc.) (Published 02-05-2018 / Expires 08-05-2019)
- Light Goose and Camp Ripley Special Turkey Hunt (Published 02-05-2018 / Expires 06-01-2018 and 08-15-2019)
- Special CWD Deer Hunt for Southeastern Minnesota (Published 01-02-2018 / Expires 07-02-2019)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, Crow Season, WMA's (Published 01-02-2018 / Expires 07-01-2018 and 05-01-2019)
- 2017 Mille Lacs Commissioners Order #3 (Published 11-27-2017)
- 2017 Special Deer Hunt Corrections (Published 10-02-2017 / Expires 12-31-2017, 01-31-2018, and 04-02-2019)
- 2017 Deer Season Quotas and Special Hunts (Published 09-05-2017 / Expires 01-31-2018)
- 2017 Mille Lacs Commissioners Order #2 (Published 09-05-2017)
- CWD Deer Feeding Ban Central Minnesota (Published 08-28-2017 / Expires 02-28-2019)
- 2017 Youth and Adult Special Deer Hunts (Published 08-21-2017 / Expires 12-31-2017)
- Taking Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Prairie Chickens, Refuges (Published 08-21-2017 / Expires 12-31-2017)
- 2017 State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Taking Small Game, Furbearers, and Wild Turkey (Published 08-21-2017 / Expires 01-31-2018 and 08-15-2018)
- 2017 Mille Lacs Walleye Fishing Commissioners Order # 1 (Published 07-24-2017)
- 2017 Elk Season (Published 06-12-2017 / Expires 03-01-2018)
- 2017 Bear Season (Published 05-30-2017 / Expires 12-31-2017)
- 2017 Waterfowl Season and Refuges (Published 05-30-2017 / Expires 01-30-2018)
- Upper Red Lake Fishing Restrictions (Published 05-08-2017 / Expires 11-13-2018)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 05-08-2017 / Expires 11-08-2018)
- 2017 Military and Disabled Special Spring Turkey Hunts (Published 04-03-2017 / Expires 07-01-2017)
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Management Zone and Feeding Ban (Published 12-27-2016 /Expires 01-31-2017 and 06-27-2018)
- 2017 Spring Turkey Hunt, WMAs, and Crow Season (Published 01-09-2017 / Expires 07-01-2017 and 05-01-2018)
- 2016 Mille Lacs Walleye and Northern Fishing Commissioners Order #2 (Effective 12-01-2016 / Expires 02-27-2017 and 03-27-2017)
- Taking Lynx and Lynx Management Zone (Published 11-14-2016 / Expires 05-25-2018)
- Deer Hunting, Special Hunts, Camp Ripley Archery Hunt (Published 10-17-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016)
- 2016 Legionville Veterans Deer Hunt (Published 10-03-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016)
- 2016 Bear Bag Limit (Published 09-19-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016)
- 2016 Mille Lacs Walleye Fishing Closure (Effective 09-06-2016 / Expires as amended by rule or order)
- 2016 Youth and Adult Mentored Special Deer Hunts (Published 08-15-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016)
- 2016 Deer Season Regulations, Quotas, and Special Hunts (Published 08-15-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016)
- 2016 Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, Small Game, Furbearers, and Fall Wild Turkey Seasons (Published 08-15-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016 and 08-15-2017)
- 2016 Prairie Chicken Season (Published 08-15-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016)
- Importation of Hunter-Harvested Cervidae (Published 08-15-2016 / Expires 12-15-2018)
- 2016 Elk Season (Published 05-16-2016 / Expires 03-01-2017)
- 2016 Waterfowl and Migratory Game Bird Hunting, and Refuges (Published 05-02-2016 / Expires 01-31-2017)
- 2016 Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 05-02-2016 / Expires 11-02-2017)
- 2016 Bear Hunting (Published 04-25-2016 / Expires 12-31-2016)
- Special Spring Turkey Hunts (Published 03-28-2016 / Expires various and 09-28-2017)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, Crow Season, and WMA and Refuge Special Provisions (Published 02-16-2016 / 02-22-2016 / Expires Various in 2016 and 2017)
- Light Goose Population Control (Published 02-16-2016 / Expires 09-01-2017)
- 2015 Red Lake Walleye Fishing (Published 11-11-2015 / Expires 05-16-2017)
- 2015 Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt Undersubscribed Permits Process (Published 09-14-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015)
- 2015 Waterfowl Season, Game Refuges, and Controlled Hunting Zones (Published 09-08-2015 / Expires 01-30-2016)
- Mille Lacs Lake bass tournament fishing (Published 08-24-2015 / Expires 02-24-2017)
- 2015 Youth and Adult Mentored Deer Hunts and Season (Published 08-10-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015)
- 2015 Deer Season Regulations, Quotas, and Special Hunts (Published 08-03-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015)
- 2015 State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, Small Game, Furbearer, and Fall Wild Turkey (Published 08-03-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015 and 08-15-2016)
- 2015 August Canada Goose Management Harvest (Published 08-03-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015)
- 2015 Prairie Chicken Hunting (Published 07-06-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015)
- 2015 Elk Season (Published 05-18-2015 / Expires 02-28-2016)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing Night Ban Correction (Published 05-11-2015 / Expires 11-11-2016)
- Lynx Management Zone (Published 05-04-2015 / Expires 11-26-2016)
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 05-04-2015 / Expires 11-04-2016)
- 2015 Beaver Season Extension (Published 04-27-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015).
- 2015 Bear Season (Published 04-07-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015)
- Special Spring Turkey Hunts (Published 04-07-2015 / Expires 12-31-2015 and 10-06-2016)
- Prohibited and Regulated Invasive Species (Published 04-07-2015 / Expires 10-06-2016)
- Upper Red Lake Walleye Harvest (Published 01-20-2015 / Expires 07-20-2016)
- Upper Red Lake Designated Special Management Waters for Taking Walleye (Published 11-24-2014 / Expires 05-24-2-16)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, St. Michael Meadows WMA, Camp Ripley Muzzleloader Deer Permits, Crow Season (Published 11-10-2014 / Expires 07-01-2015 and 05-01-2016)
- Disabled Deer Hunts & Wolf Lottery License Deadlines (Published 10-27-2014 / Expires 12-31-2014 and 02-01-15 )
- Lac qui Parle WMA; Falconry; Taking Bear, Mourning Doves, Migratory Game Birds, and Ducks; Sandhill Crane Hunting (Published 08-25-2014 / Expires 01-30-2015)
- 2014 Wolf Season, and Bear Licenses (Published 08-18-2014 / Expires 01-01-2015, 02-01-2015)
- 2014 Deer Season Regulations, Quotas and Special Hunts (Published 08-04-2014 / Expires 12-31-2014)
- Furbearer Seasons, Wildlife Management Areas, and State Game Refuges (Published 08-04-2014 / Expires 01-31-2015, 08-15-2015)
- 2014 Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt Quotas, and 2014 Prairie Chicken Hunting (Published 08-04-2024 / Expires 12-31-2014)
- Commissioner’s Order – Mille Lacs Lake Night Fishing Ban Lifted (Published 07-21-2014 / Expires 02-22-2015)
- 2014 August Canada Goose Management Harvest (Published 07-14-2014 / Expires 12-31-2014)
- Fall Wild Turkey Hunting (Published 06-23-2014 / Expires 12-31-2014)
- Youth Special deer Hunts and Seasons, and Mentored Adult Special Hunt (Published 06-23-2014 / Expires 12-31-2014).
- 2014 Elk Season (Published 05-12-2014 / Expires 03-01-15).
- 2014 Bear Season and Permit Procedures; Beaver Season Extension (Published 04-21-2014 / Expires 12-31-2014).
- Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 04-21-2014 / Expires 10-21-2015).
- Fishing Restrictions on Upper Red Lake and Listed Tributaries (Published 04-07-2014 / Expires 10-23-2015).
- 2014 Special Spring Turkey Hunts, Hunting in Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area (Published 03-31-2014 / Expires 07-01-2014 and 12-31-2014).
- Light Goose Population Control and St. Michaels Meadows WMA (Published 02-24-2014 / Expires 12-31-2014 and 09-01-2015).
- Mukooda Lake (St. Louis County) Trout Restrictions (Published 12-30-2013 / Expires 07-15-2015)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, Crow Season, St. Michaels Meadows WMA (Published 12-02-2013 / Expires 07-01-2014 and 05-01-2015)
- 2013 Lynx Management Zone (Published 11-25-2013 / Expires 05-25-2015)
- 2013 Special Deer Hunts for Disabled Hunters and Waterfowl (Published 10-07-2013 / Expires 12-31-2013)
- Fishing VHS Prevention and Control Transmission from Bait (Published 10-07-2013 / Expires 04-07-2015)
- 2013 Wolf Season (Published 09-03-2013 / Expires 02-01-2014)
- 2013 Waterfowl Season, Wildlife Management Areas (Published 09-03-2013 / Expires 01-30-2014)
- 2013 Elk Season - Amendment (Published 08-26-2013 / Expires 02-28-2014)
- 2013 Sandhill Crane and August Canada Goose Season (Published 08-05-2013 / Expires 12-31-2013 and 02-05-2015)
- 2013 State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Furbearer Seasons (Published 08-05-2013 / Expires 01-31-2014 and 08-01-2014)
- 2013 Deer Season Regulations, Quotas, and Special Hunts (Published 08-05-2013 / Expires 12-31-2013)
- Fall Wild Turkey Hunting; Prairie Chicken Hunting (Published 07-01-2013 / Expires 12-31-2013)
- 2013 Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt; 2013 Youth Deer Hunts (Published 07-01-2013 /Expires 12-31-2013)
- 2013 Elk Season (Published 06-10-2013 / Expires 02-28-2014)
- Designated Special Management Waters Rochester Area Lakes Possession Limits (Published 04-15-2013 / Expires 12-31-2013 and 10-15-2014)
- 2013-04 Bear Season and Permit Procedures (Published 05-28-2013 / Expires 11-28-2014)
- 2013-04 Mille Lacs Lake Fishing (Published 04-15-2013 / Expires 10-15-201)
- 2013 Spring Turkey Quotas and Special Hunts (Published 04-08-2013 / Expires 10-08-2014)
- Spring Turkey Hunt, St Michaels Meadow WMA, Lynx Reporting Technical Fix (Published 12-03-2013 / Expires 07-01-2013, 05-01-2014)
- Fish Lake (St. Louis County) Walleye Regulation (Published 10-29-2012 / Expires 06-01-2014)
- Wolf Season Closure in St. Croix National Scenic Riverway (Published 10-29-2012 / Expires 02/01/2013)
- Taking Lynx (Published 10-22-2012 / Expires 4-22-2014)
- Upper Red Lake Walleye Harvest (Published 10-22-2012 / Expires 4-22-2014)
- Sale of Wolf Licenses not Purchased by Lottery Winners (Published 10-15-2012 / Expires 02-01-2013)
- 2012 Waterfowl Season (Published 08-27-2012 and 09-17-2012 / Expires 01-30-2013)
- Additions to prohibited invasive species listings (Published 09-04-2012 / Expires 03-04-2014)
- 2012 Wolf Season (Published 08-20-2012 / Expires 02-01-2013)
- 2012 Deer Season (Published 08-13-2012 / Expires 12-31-2012)
- State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Furbearers Seasons (Published 07-30-2012 / Expires 01-31-2013 and 08-01-2013)
- 2012 Sandhill Crane Hunting (Published 07-16-2012 / Expires 12-31-2012)
- Deer and Elk Feeding Ban (Published 07-16-2012 / Expires 02-15-2014)
- 2012 Wild Turkey and Prairie Chicken Hunting (Published 06-18-2012 / Expires 12-31-2012)
- 2012 Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt and Youth Deer Hunts (Published 06-11-2012 / Expires 12-31-2012)
- 2012 Elk Season (Published 04-30-2012 / Expires 02-28-2013)
- 2012 Bear Season (Published 04-30-2012 / Expires 12-31-2012)
- 2012 Mille Lacs Lake Northern Pike and Walleye Size Restrictions and Limits (Published 04-23-2012 / Expires 10-23-2013)
- 2012 Moose Season Quota (Published 04-09-2012 / Expires 12-31-2012)
- Special Spring Turkey Hunts (Published 04-09-2012 / Expires 07-01-2012)
- Using Cisco and Smelt for Bait; Bait Preservation (Published 04-02-2012 / Expires 10-05-2013).
- Elk Hunt Extension (Published 01-03-2012 / Expires 03-01-2012).
- 2012 Spring Turkey Hunt (Published 12-05-2011 / Expires 07-01-2012).
- LaSalle State Recreation Area Hunting (Published 11-07-2011 / Effective 11-05-2011 / Expires 01-01-2013).
- Northern Pike Regulation, No. 1 of 2 (Published 10-31-2011 / Expires 04-30-2013).
- Northern Pike Regulation, No. 2 of 2 (Published 10-31-2011 / Expires 04-30-2013).
- Special Deer Hunts, Light Goose Population Control, Small Game Hunting in Bemidji Game Refuge (Published 10-31-2011 / Expires 2011 and 2013 as specified)
- Waterfowl Hunting Season, Camp Ripley Deer Hunt Application Clarification (Published 08-22-2011 / Expires 12-31-2011 and 01-30-2012)
- 2011 Deer Season (Published 08-15-2011 / Expires 12-31-2011)
- State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Furbearers Seasons (Published 08-08-2011 / Expires 01-31-2012 and 08-01-2012)
- 2011 Sandhill Crane Hunting Season (Published 08-01-2011 / Expires 12-31-2011)
- 2011 Youth Waterfowl Day; Early Goose Hunting; Waterfowl Feeding and Resting Areas (Published 07-25-2011 / Expires 01-01-2012)
- Fall Turkey and Prairie Chicken Hunting (Published 06-20-2011 / Expires 12-31-2011)
- Lynx Management Zone (Published 06-06-2011 / Expires 12-06-2012)
- 2011 Camp Ripley and Youth Deer Hunts; Deer Stands in State Parks (Published 06-06-2011 / Expires 12-31-2011)
- 2011 Elk Season (Published 05-23-2011/Expires 03-01-2012)
- Red Lake Special Management Waters (Published 04-25-2011 / Expires 11-14-2012)
- Mille Lacs Fishing Regulations and Waters with Restrictions on Taking Fish (Published 04-25-2011 / Expires 11-14-2012)
- 2011 Bear Season and Permit Procedures (Published 03-28-2011 / Expires 12-31-2011)
- 2011 Moose Season Quotas (Published 03-28-2011/ Expires 12-31-2011)
- 2011 Spring Turkey Hunts (Published 02-07-2011/Expires 07-01-2011)
- 2011-02 Deer and Elk Feeding Ban (Published 02-14-2011/Expires 08-14-2012)
- Spring Turkey (Published 11-29-2010 / Expires 07-01-2011)
- Smelt and Cisco Preservation and Use for Bait (Published 10-04-2010 / Expires 04-04-2012)
- Waterfowl Hunting (Published 09-20-2010 / Expires 01-30-2011)
- 2010 Deer Season Regulations, Quotas, and Special Hunts (Published 09/07/2010 / Expires 12/31/2010)
- 2010 Lester Lake (Hubbard County) Fishing Restrictions (Published/Effective 08-30-2010)
- 2010 Early Goose, Waterfowl Feeding and Resting Areas, and Goose Hunting in Refuges
(Published 08-16-2010 / Expires 01-31-2011) - 2010 State Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Furbearer Seasons
(Published 08-09-2010 / Expires 2010 and 2011) - 2010 Sandhill Crane Hunting Season
(Published 08-02-2010) - 2010 Camp Ripley archery deer hunt, and youth special deer hunts and seasons
(Published 07-26-2010) - 2010 Elk Season
(Published 07-06-2010) - 2010 Fall Wild Turkey and Prairie Chicken Hunting
(Published 06-14-2010) - Mille Lacs Walleye Regulations
(Published 06-14-2010) - 2010 Bear Season and Permit Procedures
(Published 04-12-2010 / Expires 12-31-2010) - Red Lake Special Management Fishing Regulations
(Published 04-12-2010 / Expires 09-12-2011) - 2010 Moose Season and Quotas
(Published 04-05-2010 / Expires 12-31-2010) - 2010 Spring Turkey Hunt and Special Turkey Hunts
(Published 02-01-2010 / Expires 07-01-2010) - 2010 Light Goose Population Control
(Published 02-01-2010 / Expires 08-01-2011) - 2010 Lynx Zone Trapping
(Published 02-01-2010 / Expires 08-01-2011) - 2009-2010 Special Deer Hunt Area 101
(Published 12-21-2009 / Expires 02-28-2010) - Deer, Elk, Wildlife Management Areas, and Late Goose Season
(Published 11-23-2009 / Expires 01-31-2(Pu010 and 05-23-2011) - Spring Wild Turkey Hunting
(Published 11-23-2009 / Expires 07-01-2010) - 2009-09 waterfowl seasons and limits corrections
(Published 09-28-2009 / Expires 01-01-2010) 2 pages - 2009-09 waterfowl hunting (without season/limits corrections)
(Published 09-14-2009 / Expires 01-01-2010) 5 pages - 2009 Deer Season Regulations, Quotas, and Special Hunts
(Published 08-31-2009 / Expires 12-31-09) 26 pages - 2009 Early Goose and Waterfowl Seasons
(Published 08-17-2009 / Expires 01-10-2010) 5 pages - 2009 Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt; 2009 Youth Deer Hunts and Seasons
(Published 07-20-2009 / Expires 12-31-2010) 6 pages - 2009 Elk Season Quotas and Date
(Published 07-20-2009 / Expires 02-28-2010) 6 pages - Wildlife and Game Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Furbearers
(Published 08-03-09 / Expires 12-31-2009 and 01-31-2010) 5 pages - Mille Lacs Walleye Regulations
(Published 06-08-09 / Expires 12-10-2010) 4 pages - Fall turkey and prairie chicken seasons
(Published 06-08-09 / Expires 12-31-2009) 6 pages - Turkey special hunt quotas
(Published 02-02-09 / Expires 07-01-2009) 7 pages - Upper Red Lake Walleye fishing
(Published 01-12-2009 / Expires 07-12-2010) 4 pages - Special TB Deer Hunt
(Published 12-22-2008 / Expires 02-28-2009) 3 pages - Muzzleloader Deer Closed Areas (Agassiz NWR)
(Published 11-24-2008 / Expires 12-31-2008) 2 pages - 2009 Spring Turkey Hunting
(Published 11-24-2008 / Expires 07-01-2009) 6 pages - Waterfowl Hunting
(Published 09-22-2008 / Expires 01-01-2009) 4 pages - Taking Lynx
(Published 08-25-2008 / Expires 02-25-2010) 4 pages - 2008 Deer Seasons
(Published 08-21-2008 / Expires 12-31-2008) 33 pages - Waterfowl and Prairie Chicken
(Published 08-08-2008 / Expires 01-01-2009) 4 pages - Wildlife Management Areas; Game Refuges; Ruffed And Spruce Grouse Season; Pheasant Season; Gray Partridge Season; Fall Turkey Season; Dove Season
(Published 08-08-2008 / Expires 12-31-2008 and 02-11-2010) 9 pages - Taking Furbearers
(Published 08-08-2008 / Expires 12-31-2008, 01-31-2009, and 02-11-2010) 4 pages - Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt and Youth Deer Hunts
(Published 07-14-2008 / Expires 12-31-2008) 7 pages - Disease Management for Deer, Shooting Hours Change
(Published 07-21-2008 / Expires 08-31-2008) 3 pages - Fall Wild Turkey and Prairie Chicken Hunting
(Published 07-07-2008 / Expires 12-31-2008) 6 pages - 2008 Elk Season Quotas and Dates
(Published 06-23-2008 / Expires 02-28-2009) 5 pages - Prohibited Big Game Feeding in NW Minnesota to combat Bovine Tuberculosis
(Published 05-27-2008 / Expires 11-26-2009) 3 pages - 2008 Moose Season Quotas
(Published 05-12-2008 / Expires 12-31-2008) 4 pages - Mille Lacs Lake Special Management
(Published 5/5/08 / Expires 11-10-2009) 4 pages - Disabled Turkey Hunt Quotas and Youth Turkey
(Published 4/7/08 / Expires 07-01-2008) 15 pages - Bear Season
(Published 4/7/08 / Expires 12-31-2008) 4 pages - Disease Management
(Published 3/31/08 / Expires 08-31-2008) 4 pages - 2008 Light Goose Permits
(Published 2/19/08 / Expires 08-19-2009) 3 pages - 2008 Spring Wild Turkey Hunting Information
(Published 11/5/07 / Expires 07-01-2008) 5 pages - 2007 - 08 Waterfowl Expedited Emergency Game and Fish Rules
(Published 9/24/07 / Expires 01-01-2008) 2 pages - 2007 - 09 Deer Season Adopted Expedited Emergency Game and Fish Rules
(Published 9/4/07 / Expires 12-31-2007) 45 pages - Special Provisions for Wildlife Management Areas and Game Refuges
(Published 8/27/07 / Expires 03-16-2008 and 06-01-2008) - General Regulations for National Wildlife Refuges and Federal Waterfowl Production Areas; Taking Fisher, Pine Marten, and Otter
(Published 8/27/07 / Expires 12-31-2007 and 01-31-2008) - Youth Waterfowl Day; Early Goose Hunting; Waterfowl Feeding and Resting Areas
(Published 8/27/07 / Expires 01-01-2008) - Listing of waters infested with spiny water flea.
(Published 7/30/07 / Expires 01-30-2009) - 2007 Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt Quota; 2007 Youth Deer Hunts and Seasons
(Published 6/25/07 / Expires 12-31-2007) - Turkey and Prairie Chicken Hunting
(Published 6/25/07 / Expires 12-31-2007) - 2007 Elk Season Quotas and Dates
(Published 6/25/07 / Expires 12-31-2007) - The Taking of Fish in the 1837 Treaty Lakes
(Published 5/7/07 / Expires 11-11-2008) - Establishing Quotas and Zone Boundaries for the 2007 Moose Season
(Published 5/7/07 / Expires 12-31-2007) - 2007 Bear Season and Permit Procedures
(Published 4/16/07 / Expires 12-31-2007) - 2007 Invasive Species and Designated Infested Waters
(Published 03/12/07 / Expires 09-12-2008) - 2007 Disability Turkey Hunt Quotas and Youth Turkey Special Hunts
(Published 03/12/07 / Expires 07-01-2007) - 2007 Taking of fish on Minnesota - South Dakota Boundary Waters - Species, seasons, and limits on Minnesota-South Dakota boundary waters
(Published 02/20/07 / Expires 08-20-2008) - 2007 Upper Red Lake Walleye Fishing - Designated Special Management Waters
(Published 02/05/07 / Expires 08-05-2008) - 2007 Spring Turkey Hunt
(Published 12/18/06 / Expires 07-01-2007) - 2006 Game Refuges and Bear Season
(Published 09/05/06 / Expires 12-31-2006) - Waterfowl Hunting
(Published 08/28/06 / Expires 01-01-2007) - Early Goose Hunting
(Published 08/28/06 / Expires 01-01-2007) - 2006 Deer Season
(Published 08/21/06 / Expires 12-31-2006) - Youth Waterfowl Day; Early Goose Hunting; Waterfowl Feeding and Resting Areas
(Published 08/21/06 / Expires 01-01-2007) - Wildlife Management Areas; Game Refuges; Ruffed and Spruce Grouse Season; Pheasant Season; Gray Partridge Season; Mourning Dove Season
(Published 08/21/06 / Expires 02-21-2008) - 2006 Camp Ripley Archery Deer Hunt Quota & 2006 Youth Deer Hunts and Seasons
(Published 08/14/06 / Expires 12-31-2006) - Designated Special Management Waters: Rainy River - Walleye and Sauger
(Published 08/14/06 / Expires 02-14-2008) - 2006 Elk Season Quotas and Dates
(Published 07/10/06 / Expires 12-31-2006) - Commercial Taking of Turtles
(Published 05/30/06 / Expires 11-30-2007) - Waters Closed to Taking Fish and Designated Spawning Beds and Fish Preserves
(Published 05/08/06 / Expires 11-08-2007) - Waters with Restrictions on Taking Fish and Designated Special Management Waters
(Published 05/01/06 / Expires 11-13-2007) - 2006 Moose Season Quota
(Published 04/17/06 / Expires 12-31-2006) - 2006 Bear Season And Permit Procedures
(Published 04/10/06 / Expires 12-31-2006) - Designated Infested Waters
(Published 04/03/06 / Expires 10-03-2007) - Turkey Hunt Quotas and Youth Turkey Special Hunts
(Published 03/27/06 / Expires 12-31-2006) - Light Goose Population Control
(Published 02/06/06 / Expires 08-06-2007) - Special Fish Management Species And Tags
(Published 01/03/06 / Expires 09-01-2007) - Taking Of Fish On Minnesota North Dakota Boundary Waters
(Published 12/27/2005 / Expires 06-27-2007) - 2006 Spring Wild Turkey Hunting
(Published 12/05/2005 / Expires 07-01-2006) - October 22-23, 2005 Disabled Deer Hunt Within the St. Cloud Game Refuge
(Published 10/17/2005 / Expires 12-31-2005) - 2005 Wildlife Management Areas; Game Refuges; Ruffed And Spruce Grouse Season; Pheasant Season; Gray Partridge Season; Furbearers; Youth Waterfowl Day; Early Goose Hunting
(Published 08/29/2005 / Expires 01-02-2006 and 02-28-2007) - 2005 Deer and Bear Hunting
(Published 08/22/2005 / Expires 12-31-2005 and 02-22-2007) - 2005 youth deer hunts and season; Camp Ripley deer hunt
(Published 07/18/2005 / Expires 12-31-2005) - 2005 Fall Turkey, Prairie Chickens, and Sharp-Tailed Grouse in Prairie Chicken Permit Areas
(Published 07/05/2005 / Expires 12-31-2005 and 01-05-2007) - 2005 Moose and Elk, Seasons and Quotas
(Published 05/31/2005 / Expires 12-31-2005) - 2005 1837 Mille Lacs Lake Fishing Rules
(Published 04/25/2005 / Expires 11-14-2006) - 2005 Bear Season and Permit Procedures
(Published 04/04/2005 / Expires 12-31-2005) - 2005 Youth Turkey Hunts
(Published 02/22/2005 / Expires 12-31-2005) - 2005 Designated Infested Waters
(Published 01/18/2005 / Expires 07-18-2006) - 2005 Lake of the Woods and Rainy River Walleye and Sauger
(Published 01/18/2005 / Expires 07-18-2006) - 2004 Spring Turkey; 2003 Canada Goose Season
(Published 11/22/2004 / Expires 12-31-2004, 11-01-2005, and 05-22-2006) - Mourning Dove Season
(Published 8/09/2004 / Expires 02-09-2006) - 2004 Youth Special Deer Hunts and Seasons / 2004 Camp Ripley Archery Hunt
(Published 7/19/2004 / Expires 12-31-2004 and 01-19-2006) - Invasive Species and Designated Infested Waters
(Published 7/12/2004 / Expires 01-29-2006)